Wednesday 25 September 2019

10 Home Workout Exercises Plan

Not everyone that wants to get in shape and lose some extra body weight can afford 30+ minutes to work out or hit the gym 3-5 times on a weekly basis …

A lot of people who want to lose weight by exercise has little or not enough time to hit the gym and they still want to get rid of the body fat but the main issues are how can they achieve such exercise regime and get in shape.

If you are short on time but want to increase your fitness level?

Or you just find it difficult to create a workout habit/regime due to a busy schedule?
do not worry much, I got you covered, there are home workout plans and exercises that can help achieve your goal of losing that weight and get in shape again.

A 10-minute full-body workout is a good way to do something good for yourself and experience health benefits at the same time.


Do each exercise at a 25/10 interval (25 seconds minimum intense effort, 10 seconds rest)
Repeat this process weekly to get the best result of these plans

Important: For best results keep the intensity high – give it all you’ve got and go as fast as you can while maintaining good form and getting in shape with exercises.




20 squats
15 sec plank
25 crunches
35 jumping jacks
15 lunges                                                                           
25 sec wall sit
10 butt kick
5 push ups


                                                                                       10 squats
                                                                                       30 sec plank
                                                                                       25 crunches
                                                                                       10 jumping jacks
                                                                                       25 lunges
                                                                                       45 sec wall sit
                                                                                       35 sit ups
                                                                                       10 butt kicks


15 squats
40 sec plank
35 crunches
55 jumping jacks
30 lunges
45 sec wall sit
30 butt kick
15 push ups


30 squats
35 sec plank
25 crunches
30 jumping jacks
20 lunges
65 sec wall sit
45 butt kick
20 push ups



25 squats
60 sec plank
35 crunches
65 jumping jacks
55 lunges
60 sec wall sit
50 butt kick
30 push ups

                                            Sat/Sun REST

Cardio (by week)
.30 second sprint, 30 seconds jog (x5)
.35 second sprint, 45 seconds jog (x6)
.40 second sprint, 55 seconds jog (x7)
.45 second sprint, 60 seconds jog (x8)
.50 second sprint, 35 seconds jog (x7)
.60 second sprint, 45 seconds jog (x7)

.60 second sprint, 45 seconds jog (x6)
.65 second sprint, 60 seconds jog (x5)
.70 second sprint, 45 seconds jog (x6)
.75 second sprint, 30 seconds jog (x7)
.80 second sprint, 45 seconds jog (x8)
.100 second sprint, 35 seconds jog (x5)

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10 Home Workout Exercises Plan

Not everyone that wants to get in shape and lose some extra body weight can afford 30+ minutes to work out or hit the gym 3-5 times on a w...